24/7 Energy monitoring using smart meters and sensors
Gain access to a unified platform that oversees, efficiently manages, and enhances the energy efficiency of buildings. YodiFEM’s energy management system seamlessly integrates data from various sources, including energy billing platforms, energy meters, and sensors embedded within its digital twins, offering a comprehensive insight into energy consumption patterns across all corporate properties. Receive alerts for unnecessary expenses and deviations from budgetary targets, unveil the return on investment (ROI) of your technology investments, and validate the realized energy savings.
Key features
YodiFEM Energy Management System offers valuable insights, cost control, sustainability enhancement, and customizable alerts, empowering users to make informed energy management decisions. With a track record of success in over 500 buildings, it has consistently achieved average energy cost savings exceeding 15% through predictive and preventive measures, eliminating the need for costly equipment or material upgrades.