
Retail Space and Category management platform- Plano360

Plano360 white paper

Providing all-in-one solutions to the most common retail pains through the digital transformation of Retail Space and Category management. Boosting profits through digitally transforming operations, automating manual tasks, building data-driven merchandising strategies and in-store customer journeys. 

    YodiFEM- sustainability management platform booklet

    YodiFEM brochure

    Intelligent infrastructure management upping business value across any FM portfolio through remote assets control for all operations: energy efficiency, operational costs reduction, predictive maintenance, environmental conditions monitoring, and end-to-end workspace management with hot desking. 

      Sustainable Facility Management platform Case study

      YodiFEM: Engie-Interamerican case study

      How YodiFEM – Scalable Solutios for Sustainable Facility Management – helped Engie’s client, Interamerican digitally transform their buildings through smart data management for end-to-end carbon footprint and energy bills reduction and successful energy and ISO audits.  

        workspace management platform -download case study

        YodiFEM: Unisystems case study

        Holistic approaches to Employee Wellbeing and Satisfaction through Integrated workspace management creating bespoke office spaces for attracting and keeping business talent, and boosting productivity.   

          Plano360: Kotsovolos Case Study

          A case study created in partnership with Microsoft showcasing the digital transformation of Kotsovolos, leading electronics retailer in Greece, across their 100 store network.